Thursday, March 27, 2008

Allow me to introduce myself!!

Hello! I'm Edna and this is my very first blog! I'm an avid gardener, crafter, scrapbooker, and decorator, but my passion is my job. I'm a SAHM to the two most delightful children, and wife to my best friend. I might not get a paycheck, but the rewards of my job are immeasurable!

One of my favorite topics is Christmas. I love all things Christmas and work all year to make each Christmas as stress-free as possible. That includes buying/making gifts all year long to avoid a huge bill in December. I also love the traditions we've got in place for our kids. Each year the kids get a new ornament and I get one for the family, too. DD gets a new doll each year and DS, well, he just gets boy stuff. Also, they each get a Hippopotomus for Christmas, ala the cute song that DS has loved since he was teeny tiny. The most fun is helping two little elves visit the kids from Thanksgiving through Christmas Eve. Tinsel and Crumbs are their names and they are hilarious!

I hope to add to this blog regularly, but my job is quite demanding of my time (no complaints here!) so I'll be back when I can!!

Thanks for reading!



MARGE said...

Welcome to the blogging world. Glad you decided to start one. It can be very addicting:)

Ginger said...

Happy Blogging

.. said...

Hi Edna, Glad you started a blog. I just started mine a few months ago and I love posting now:) Come and visit my blog at Can't wait till your next post.

Threeundertwo said...

Just found this! Make some more posts! Nice to see you blogging!

You can find me at

Ginger said... should seriously consider joing one of the blog rings...I am sure you would get a kick out of the Magic Elves Blog Ring!!!! What a great way to tell of your leves escapades!